What will shipping look like in 2050?


The shipping industry is facing a decarbonization challenge. As a result, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has recently set out a revised strategy that will promote a more rapid, just and equitable transition.

But what will a typical port look like by the time the IMO aims to reach net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2050?

Expect to see alternative greener fuels powering ships, automated maintenance and monitoring, and a range of other new technologies and innovations that will help the industry keep up with growing demand while reaching net zero emissions.

Here’s what the shipping ports of the future could look like.

From greener fuels to artificial intelligence, a range of new technologies and innovations will help shipping keep up with growing demand
From greener fuels to artificial intelligence, a range of new technologies and innovations will help shipping keep up with growing demand

Ewan Thomson

Ewan Thomson

Ewan has been a journalist and editor for over 15 years, covering commodities in the energy industry, as well as communications, agriculture, oil and textiles markets.